From TOCO Help Wiki
Revision as of 11:23, 12 December 2016 by AKAdmin (Talk | contribs) (Drag and Drop)

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This is a page for canvas help

The “canvas” is where you create the ToC graphic of outcomes connected to one another in causal pathways. The canvas opens up when you open an existing TOCO file by clicking on the title in your file browser, or when you create a new TOCO file. Many operations on the drawing canvas are available on the Edit menu. These functions include creating new outcomes, comments, text boxes, titles, color legend, and the dashed accountability line. Here too are items for editing assumptions and the ToC narrative, and for switching from right-angled to straight-line connectors.

Drag and Drop

Right Click Options.jpg == Right-click on an outcome to perform various operations ==

To delete or move an outcome, text box, connector, or comment, or curve line right-click and select “delete” from the menu. Outcome boxes may be moved by clicking and dragging; moving other objects requires right-clicking and selecting the “move” menu item. These include text boxes, the title box, comments, and the color legend. Once you select “move” you can drag the object where you want it.

Please click on the images below.

Right Click comment box.jpg == Right-click on a text box to perform various operations ==

Delete or move comment box.jpg == Right-click on a comment box to perform various operations ==

Color Legend edits.jpg == Right-click on color legend to perform various operations ==

Once you have moved the object you must right-click again and select "edit" to update the content of the object-- for example, a comment box or a text box.

Canvas Tool Panel

Canvas tool panel for wiki smaller.jpg

File-Edit-Help Dropdown Menus:

File Menu

File menu.jpg

Edit Menu

Edit menu.jpg

Help Menu


There are two ways to move around the canvas: Grab the vertical or horizontal scroll bar handles and slide them. Click on the canvas (i.e., somewhere on the background grid rather than on any objects) and drag the canvas to the location you want. Creating and editing the TOC map requires frequent adjustments of the canvas size. There are two ways to zoom in and out: Use the zoom in/zoom out buttons to the left of the file menu. Or, use your mouse or keypad.

My ToCs File Directory

Files are searchable by file title or by user name

- Use the refresh button to reset the browser after a search
- Directory lists filenames, user name, dates of file creation and last update.

The << icon at the top of the Directory, to the right of the search window, allows you to slide the directory panel out of view when you need more space on your screen to work on the canvas. To delete a file, select the file name, right-click, and select “delete ToC” from the menu.