This is a page for canvas help
The “canvas” is where you create the ToC graphic of outcomes connected to one another in causal pathways. The canvas opens up when you open an existing TOCO file by clicking on the title in your file browser, or when you create a new TOCO file. Many operations on the drawing canvas are available on the Edit menu. These functions include creating new outcomes, comments, text boxes, titles, color legend, and the dashed accountability line. Here too are items for editing assumptions and the ToC narrative, and for switching from right-angled to straight-line connectors.
Editing and Moving Graphic Objects
To delete an outcome box, text box, comment, connector or curved line, right-click and select “delete” from the menu.
Outcome boxes may be moved by clicking and dragging; moving all other objects requires right-clicking on the object and selecting the “move” menu item. These include text boxes, the title box, comments, and the color legend. Once you have moved the object you must right-click again and select "edit" to update the content of the object.
Outcome Box, Text Box, Comment Box
Outcome box objects are edited in the Outcome Editor and can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the canvas. You can access the Outcome Editor by double-clicking the outcome box object or by right-clicking and selecting "Edit outcome." Right-click (as shown above) also to "Delete outcome," "Add a precondition" (which adds a connected outcome), or "Send to back."
Most objects on the TOCO canvas, including text boxes, require toggling between Edit mode and Move mode. When you open a new text box (Edit menu) it is in Edit mode and the Text Editor panel is open. All editing is done in the Text Editor. Right-click on the text box object and select "Move" to switch to Move mode; you can then drag and drop the object where you want it. To update content, right-click again and select "Edit." Also, double-clicking on the text box object opens the Text Editor window and restores the Edit mode. Right-click also to delete the text box, remove its border, send backward or bring forward.
Comment feature is for collaborative work. Select "Add comment" from the Edit menu. Comment box object opens in edit mode. You type right into the object rather than into an editor panel. The comment is automatically signed with your user name. No font or color fill choices! Note: Comments can be hidden on the canvas or shown. If you select "Add comment" and get an error message, return to the Edit menu and select "Show comments" item. This will unselect "Hide comments" mode and allow you to add your comment. "Hide comments" allows you to make a PDF of the ToC graphic that hides the comments without deleting them from the TOCO data base. Clicking on "Show comments" (Edit menu) unselects the Hide comment mode.
To switch from Edit mode to Move mode or to delete the comment, right-click along the edge of the comment box object.
Outcome Box Editor
Select text first to change formatting. Select a word or phrase within the outcome to apply different format, e.g., bold or italic.
Color Legend
The Legend explains the significance of your outcome colors. Right-click on color legend to edit text or move legend box. Click on the X in upper right to delete the legend object.
Edit, Remove or reposition color legend
Curved Line
Right-click on curved line to delete.
To manipulate shape and length, select drag the points
Connector (Rationales, Interventions)
Double click on connector to add Rationale Or Intervention
Click on connector once to adjust the position horizontally
Click on connector and edit line weight, color and shape from canvas tool
How to edit, add, delete interventionss on a connector
How to edit, add, delete rationales on a connector
Callout Box
To edit callout box, right click on the box and select edit
To manipulate the pointer zoom in, click & drag the tip
Canvas Tool Panel
File-Edit-Help Dropdown Menus:
File Menu
Edit Menu
Help Menu
There are two ways to move around the canvas.
- Grab the vertical or horizontal scroll bar and move - click on the canvas (i.e., somewhere on the background grid rather than on any objects), hold the cursor down, and drag the canvas to the location you want. - Creating and editing the TOC map requires frequent adjustments of the canvas size.
There are two ways to zoom in and out: - Use the zoom in/zoom out buttons to the left of the file menu. - Or, use your mouse or keypad.